Extra virgin olive oil with tomato lycopenSmooth and delicate favor with a hint of tomatoDelicious on salads, pasta and meat stewsA natural antioxidantTomato lycopen and first cold press extra virgin olive oil make this an exceptional addition to modern Spanish cuisine. Lycopen, the potent natural antioxidant, very beneficial for health, is what...
Los Angeles International Medalist 2008Warm and fruity flavorLike no olive oil you have ever tasted!Special Selection Señorío de Vizcántar extra olive oil has earned another honor in 2008: the Silver Medal at the 2007 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition. It has been the favorite of the La Tienda community for years.Señorío...
100% organic wild extra virgin olive oilBalanced blend of Arbequina and EmpeltreArtisan stone pressed olive oil!This precious organic wild olive oil may well be the best you have ever tasted. It is extracted using the same process as was used in the Middle Ages.The process is half as efficient as a centrifuge –the modern technique used for...
Aged cava and sherry vinegar from Spain are very much popular worldwide. Mostly produced in the region of Jerez because of its unique micro climate, typical Spanish sherry vinegar undergoes ageing for at least six months which helps it to bring out a unique full flavoured vinegar.This premium V.O. Reserva Sherry Vinegar by Osborne is aged in an Oak...
The sliced spicy Salchichon Bellota-grade hard sausage pack of 40 x 100g is a great addition to the delicious list of Spanish sausages available in the food market. This particular bellota sausage is made from the native black-footed pigs fed on acorns.Scrumptiously spicy, these Salchichon pork sausages are delivered to you by the producer Pedro Lancho...
Here is Marcona Almonds with premium Milk Chocolate – one of the finest Spanish nougats available at La Tienda online store. The traditional ‘turron’ candy is just another example of chocolates with extraordinary flavour.Made with honey and almonds, turron is the Spanish word for nougat, in which we find nuts or fruit pieces in a sugar paste....
Among varied Spanish Iberico pork products, Lomo Iberico is one of the finest in the list and some may even argue it’s superiority to the famous Spanish Jamon itself. This acorn-infused pork loin is marinated and traditionally dry-cured before coming to the market.These particular sliced packs (20X100gm) of Lomo Iberico is cured with salt, garlic...
Here is your favourite Bellota ham – Iberico de Bellota, sliced and ready to serve your palate. This particular ten 200 gram packs of sliced bellota meat contain 50 grams each of jamon, chorizo, lomo and salchichon from the renowned Spanish ham producer Pedro Lancho.Bellota-grade meats have always been popular and these sliced Iberico Bellota ham...
A wooden box containing one of Spain’s gourmet cheese – the Manchego Cheese – is certainly one of the popular traditional products very much attached to the local food culture. The Villajos Reserva is an authentic handmade, raw sheep’s milk cheese.Its rich flavour is the result of a 9-month ageing process and that to the traditional method....
This delightful rustic cow’s milk cheese “Afuega’l Pitu” is one of the finest one produced in the mountainous region of Asturias. Interestingly, it is also one of the oldest of over three dozen cheeses produced in that part of Spain.Afuega’l Pitu cheese is all traditional and entirely handmade. For all gourmets, this Spanish cheese is...
Manchego cheese produced in the La Mancha region of Spain from the milk of the Manchego breed sheep is very much popular in Spain and around the globe. This special one Rosemary ‘Manchego’ cheese is coated in fresh rosemary.Although we can’t officially call it a Manchego cheese, it is made from the reserve Manchega sheep’s milk and...
This artisan Villajos semi-aged Manchego Cheese is arguably the best sheep’s milk cheese in Spain. This 1/2 Kilo pack is the Gran Seleccion Medal Winner 2005 that holds much interest to persons with refined sensuous enjoyment.Villajos manchego cheese is churned by hand and then set aside to age for about 3 months. It has a hint of sharpness –...
Made from almonds, sugar, butter, eggs and flour, Tejas pastry is one of the very finest products of Casa Eceiza- the traditional Spanish pastry producer. When it comes to some of the traditional holiday sweets, there are plenty in Spain in which locally found ingredients like almonds, honey and various other dry fruits play a central role.And this...
This savoury sliced acorn-infused pork loin “Lomo Iberico de Bellota” by producer Redondo Iglesias is just as flavorsome as any other authentic Spanish Iberico ham. Spanish Jamon, Pata negra Iberico ham and Bellota ham are Spain’s enduring culinary icon and this would definitely stir up your gastronomic senses.Cured to perfection by Redondo...
Roasted Suckling Pig (Cochinillo Asado) is one speciality from the region of Castilla y Leon certainly evokes your gastronomic senses with typical tender and juicy flavour.Cochinillo, or suckling pig, is regarded as celebrated meal in central Spain. There you can easily taste this savoury dish in almost each restaurant, each roasted in a very traditional...
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