Galería Cutarte celebrates Verdiales

veridalescutarmailAGalería Cutarte is delighted to present an exhibition celebrating Verdiales – the lively and colourful folk music and dance which is unique to the mountain villages of Málaga.

The exhibition – which includes photographs, instruments, artefacts and video clips – focuses on the Verdiales styles from Comares and Almáchar.

Winter is traditionally a special time for Verdiales – and to celebrate the solstice, musicians from El Borge, Los Romanes, Almáchar, Arroyo Conca y Periana will be performing this ancient music live at the gallery on Saturday 22nd of December from 18.00.

The exhibition itself, which is supported by the ayuntamiento of Cútar, will then be open on the 6th, 13th and 20th of January between 17.00 and 20.00.

Galería Cutarte, c/ Estación 3, Cútar –

