Marbella PGOU (Urban Plan)

Marbella-PGOUPGOU or the “Plan General de Ordenación Urbana” is the urban planning law approved by the Marbella Town Hall i.e. now regarded as a way in the development of the region. Ending the long stalemate over existing illegal properties, the plan has got the green signal with compliance from both the leading political parties.

In July 2009, Mayoress Angeles Muñoz had endorsed the final draft of the plan excluding some illegal properties. Earlier, the Junta de Andalucía and the Marbella Town Hall had their reservation on declaring certain properties illegal. However, the town hall was agreed on some issues in an effort not to hold back further development in Marbella.

Although the new plan was largely accepted by all, some still believe that it was a gross clanger to declare certain already developed properties ‘illegal’. Marbella Mayor Angeles was criticised by the Junta for her earlier assertion of brining all illegal build properties to the permissible state. Out of a total estimation of 18,000 properties, 16,500 units have been approved.

All chaos goes back to the rule of Independent Liberal Group (GIL) which sold illegal land and building license, creating a lot of problem to the later authority to deal with. As those properties were constructed on illegal land, banks didn’t want to give mortgage when the owners moved to sell their properties.

The over 15 year deadlock was also a roadblock in the development of Marbella amidst shady real estate developments and corruption sleazy politics. Any possible solution to this property crisis was also troubled by the two different political parties ruled at two different places. Junta Andalucía is run by PSOE and Marbella is running by the PP.

Well, even after the approval of the new plan, the confrontation between Town Hall and Junta revolves around certain properties that couldn’t be legalised through the new compensation scheme. As per the new town planning map, near about 1500 houses don’t satisfy the current civil planning and hence invite demolition, while around 500 homes – those are inhabited – are now in the high degrees of disagreement.

In case of those 16,500 legalised property, the developers have been ordered to donate land for public welfare causes. However, those 500 homes which are not protected by the plan are now under court’s consideration although it is highly unlikely for any positive result in favour of the owner.

The Town Hall will try its best to bring those properties under the legal belt in talks with the Andalucía Government but it could be a long process. Irrespective of the present status, owners of those marked properties have a right to appeal in the court on the basis of license granted by the Marbella Town Hall in the past.

Nevertheless, the Marbella PGOU is a welcome step in the overall development of the southern Spanish resort town. Unlike the earlier proposal of general legalisation, this will ease the overall town planning in terms of improved road connection and infrastructure development in areas which are yet to be touched. At least now, there won’t be such delusion in the development process in the legalised areas.

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