Jazztel Technical Support Line

Okay, I have had jazztel adsl a few months now with zero problems but last week it was out for a few hours, so I checked the jazztel.com web site to see who I should call.

(I should point out that my phone line was not working either)

If you are a business you have to call 1568
Okay, see the problems here already? Dialling 1568 only works from a Jazztel line. Hello? My jazztel line does not work so how can I call Jazztel?

If you are a “Particulares” ie not a business you can call 1565 or call 902 946 946
Notice the different 4 digit code for non business customers and a proper line you can call from any line?

Even though I am a business I ended up calling 902 946 946 and got through, but does it not seem bizarre?

Here is the jazztel contact page in case you need it: http://www.jazztel.com/contacto.php


Different numbers for consumers and businesses

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